Sunday, February 14, 2010

Multiple Outlook Accounts On 1 Pda Outlook 2003, Multiple Accounts In 1 Computer?

Outlook 2003, multiple accounts in 1 computer? - multiple outlook accounts on 1 pda

How can I have multiple accounts with different folders in Outlook, but you must enter a password to each account password by e-mail access. For example: I have 3 people, George, Sandy and John. All these people have received access to a computer and e-mails and send to everyone who wants 3 people, but everyone will be able to open Outlook, type your password, and you only see their own address in Outlook rather than the other 2 people.


  1. Jason offers the best security solution. Personal Items for Windows (My Documents, Desktop, etc.) should include every person, regardless of what they want a document folder (eg C: \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ shared) to create that all users have access to shared documents. Users log out when you have finished, and the next user session.

    Otherwise, the use of multiple Outlook profiles (Control Panel -> Mail can -> Show Profiles), which will be called, Outlook)-profile start (see "System Profile ..."- option. Select an Outlook user closes when you are finished, and the next user to the appropriate profile when you start Outlook. Password protection is what's happening in the file level.

  2. Jason offers the best security solution. Personal Items for Windows (My Documents, Desktop, etc.) should include every person, regardless of what they want a document folder (eg C: \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ shared) to create that all users have access to shared documents. Users log out when you have finished, and the next user session.

    Otherwise, the use of multiple Outlook profiles (Control Panel -> Mail can -> Show Profiles), which will be called, Outlook)-profile start (see "System Profile ..."- option. Select an Outlook user closes when you are finished, and the next user to the appropriate profile when you start Outlook. Password protection is what's happening in the file level.
